Quartile Deviation for grouped data

Use this calculator to find the Quartile Deviation for grouped (frequency distribution) data.

Quartile Deviation Calculator (Grouped Data)
Type of Freq. Dist. DiscreteContinuous
Enter the Classes for X (Separated by comma,)
Enter the frequencies (f) (Separated by comma,)
Number of Obs. (N):
First Quartile : ($Q_1$)
Second Quartile : ($Q_2$)
Third Quartile : ($Q_3$)
Quartile Deviation : $QD$
Coeff. of QD :

Quartile Deviation for grouped data


The quartile deviation is given by


and the coefficient of quartile deviation is given by

Coeff. of $QD=\dfrac{Q_3-Q_1}{Q_3+Q_1}$


  • $Q_1$ is the first quartile of the data
  • $Q_3$ is the third quartile of the data

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