The cast() function from reshape2 package is used to reshape dataframes. This cast() function convert dataframe from long format to wide format. The wide format having values that does not repeat in first column and long format contains values that contain repeat values in first column.
The following method shows how you can do it with syntax.
Method 1: Use cast() Function
cast(df, column1 ~ column2)
The following example shows how to use cast() function in R.
Using cast() Function
Let’s see how to use cast() function in R to convrt dataframe from long format to wide format:
# Load package
# Create data frame
df <- data.frame(Machine_name=c("A","B","C","D","A","B","C","D"),
# Show dataframe
# Convert dataframe from long format to wide format
t <- dcast(df, Machine_name ~ Variable)
# Show wide format dataframe
Machine_name Variable Reading
1 A Pressure 12.39
2 B Pressure 9.25
3 C Pressure 14.15
4 D Pressure 13.48
5 A Temperature 81.00
6 B Temperature 78.00
7 C Temperature 82.00
8 D Temperature 83.00
Machine_name Pressure Temperature
1 A 12.39 81
2 B 9.25 78
3 C 14.15 82
4 D 13.48 83
Here the output shows wide format of dataframe which convert using cast() function.