To calculate expected value in R, there two different ways are available in R.
The following methods show how you can do it with syntax.
Method 1: Use sum() Function
Method 2: Use mean() Function
The following example shows how to calculate expected value in R.
Using sum() Function
Let’s see how to use sum() function to calculate expected value when we have sample data and probability values:
# Define values
data <- c(12,23,34,45,56,67)
# Define probability values
probability <- c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6)
# Calculate expected value
[1] 102.2
Here the output shows expected value which calculated using sample data and probability values.
Using mean() Function
Let’s see how to use mean() function to calculate expected value:
# Define values
data <- c(12,23,34,45,56,67)
# Calculate expected value
[1] 39.5
Here the output shows expected values which calculated using mean() function.