Aperture Antenna Calculator
Electric Current Density (j)
Electric Current Density for 1st element (J1)
Wave Length (λ)
Radius of Circular Aperture (a)
Distance of the observation point from the Origin (r)
Coordinate Angle 1 (θ)
Coordinate Angle 2 (φ)
Electric Field of coordinate Angle1 (Eθ): {{angle1Result()}}
Electric Field of coordinate Angle2 (Eφ): {{angle2Result()}}


Eθ= [ ( j*k *a2*E0*e-jkr ) / r ] * Sin φ [ ( J1*k*a*Sinθ) / k*a * Sinθ]

φ = [ ( j*k*a2*E0*e-jkr ) / r ] * (Cosθ*Cosφ) [(J1*k*a*Sinθ) / k*a*Sinθ]


k = 2 π / λ

λ = Wave Length

E0 = 8.8541878176 ×10-12F/m (electric constant)

θ = Coordinate Angle 1

φ = Coordinate Angle 2

a = Radius of Circular Aperture

r = Distance of the observation point from the Origin

j = Electric Current Density

J1 = Electric Current Density for 1st element