The pivot_longer() function from tidyr package is used to pivot dataframe from wide format to a long format.

The following method shows how you can do it with syntax.

Method 1: Use pivot_longer() Function

pivot_longer(df, cols = everything())

The following example shows how to use pivot_longer() function in R to create dataframe from wide format to long format.

Using pivot_longer() Function

Let’s see how we can use pivot_longer() Function in R:

# Create dataframe
df <- data.frame(Pressure1=c(12,11,12,13,13,11),

# Create pivot table
df_long <- pivot_longer(df, cols = everything())

# Print pivot table


  name      value
   <chr>     <dbl>
 1 Pressure1    12
 2 Pressure2    78
 3 Pressure1    11
 4 Pressure2    89
 5 Pressure1    12
 6 Pressure2    85
 7 Pressure1    13
 8 Pressure2    84
 9 Pressure1    13
10 Pressure2    81
11 Pressure1    11
12 Pressure2    79

Here the output shows longer format of dataframe whicb created using pivot_longer() function in R.